Thursday, May 3, 2012

Danielle and Gabrielle (or is it Gabrielle and Danielle?)

"The TCU Commons" hanging in the TCU student union building.

These identical twins are two of the subjects in my painting of TCU's Frog Fountain.  When I was on campus gathering reference for this painting, these young ladies and their friend walked up and unknowingly situated themselves in the perfect place for my composition.  (I first posted about it here.)

They sat and visited for a few minutes and then another friend arrived and off they went.   

I thought I'd never see them again and wondered if they would ever see the painting.  One Sunday morning in church, several weeks later, these sisters arrived and sat in the pew right in front of my wife and me!  I recognized them immediately and after the service introduced myself and explained that they were about six inches tall in a painting I was working on and asked how much they charged for modeling.  (no charge)  Thank you Danielle and Gabrielle! 

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