"Keesje" 10" x 8" Watercolor |
Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Show was in town recently. These horses - from Spain and Portugal - are some of the most amazing and beautiful horses I've ever seen. I painted this watercolor sketch of a Friesian stallion and soon will be starting a large oil of an Andalusian being ridden by a Spanish vaquero.
Thank you Lisa Diersen and friends from Saint Charles, Illinois, for all your help in posing your
Andalusian and Lusitano horses!
I had never heard of a Friesian stallion before, but . . . "What a beauty!" The braided mane is awesome, as is your rendering of this gorgeous animal. My appetite is whetted and I look forward to seeing your oil of the Andalusian ridden by the Spanish vaquero. Thank you for posting.